It’s hard to believe that it’s been three months since we formally launched IDPro at CIS. I wanted to take a little time to update everyone on what we’ve been up to.
As I wrote about a while back, we have seated our Board. We’ve rolled out both a consolidated Events calendar as well as an IAM Meetup calendar. We’ve also started to consolidate links to IAM User Groups around the world, starting here in the US. If you are a corporate member and want to list your events, just drop us note. If you help organize a User Group and want to list it on the site, feel free to reach out. Thank Hutch for his work to pull all of this together!
Meanwhile, Andi has started to put a framework together to get our newsletter out. The goal is to produce high quality article written by this community for this community. As Andi and the Editorial committee start to get their legs under them, if you want to contribute, please let him know.
I’m delighted to report that we now stand at nearly 150 individual members; and we are joined by corporate members including ADP, Gigya, Ping Identity, Radiant Logic, and SailPoint. Welcome! We look forward to working with you as we develop our organisation.
I also wanted to share a little about our membership with everyone. As you know, we invite new members to fill out a short survey about themselves and their interests. The bulk of you (49% of respondents so far) learned about IDPro at a conference. Interests in the services IDPro should offer range across professional development and ongoing education to keeping current on identity technology and news to community building. The next services respondents have asked for include learning materials (29%), monthly newsletter (19%), weekly news clipping and quarterly webinars (both at 17%).
The majority of our membership are between the ages of 35 and 54. Our membership is primarily white and primarily male. I am heartened to see that 38% of us are not LGBTQ but identify as an Ally. As an industry we have work to do to increase diversity but I know we can do this.
To me the most important thing IDPro can do is help strengthen our community. There are upcoming meetups in Hartford, Chicago, Charlotte, and Providence – events you can go to meet your peers. Another way we can strengthen our community is through discourse; our discussion mailing list is there for that very purpose. From discussion the recent catastrophic breach to social events to ask for advice, we should continue to use the mailing list as a safe space to talk, to learn, and to share.
If you have any feedback for us following our first three months of operation, please email me. I look forward to hearing from you!