It’s hard to believe it has been a year since the launch of the IDPro Body of Knowledge (BoK). We created the BoK to provide vendor- and technology-neutral guidance for practitioners of all tenures across all industries and it has been incredibly rewarding to see the archive grow and change with each new article.
The Body of Knowledge is a direct result of IDPro member and volunteer contribution and would not be possible otherwise. This living document consists of valuable information about the identity industry and the Identity Access Management (IAM) community.
Thus far, the BoK has featured articles sharing knowledge about IAM, project management best practices and recommendations, non-human entity identification, digital identity advancements, access control, IAM architecture and solutions, standards requirements, regulations and laws, and a plethora of additional industry-specific educational topics.
These articles are crucial to the expansion of information about digital identity and ensuring that practitioners at all stages and phases of their careers have access to information that will help them continue to grow and learn. Given this continued need and IDPro’s mission to support the advancement of the community, we are always welcoming individuals interested in contributing to the BoK. We hope you will consider participating!
In addition to the celebration of the one year anniversary, a new issue of the BoK is forthcoming, so stay tuned! Previous issues are available on our website and your feedback is welcome.