New non-profit association will define, support and improve the digital identity profession globally, with support from Gigya, Ping Identity, Sailpoint and Salesforce
WAKEFIELD, Mass., USA – June 28, 2017 – A new association for identity management professionals was announced today, with more than 400 industry professionals already pledging membership. IDPro is an open, global non-profit industry association created to define, support and improve the digital identity profession through knowledge sharing, mentoring, education and certification.
“Identity management is — along with privacy and security — a crucial component for modern business. Each has important roles to play in digital transformation, IoT and data protection use cases,” said Ian Glazer, IDPro president, and vice president for identity, Salesforce. “The multi-billion dollar identity management industry is long overdue for a professional organization of its own that provides identity professionals a place to learn, share and grow. IDPro will be that organization, providing services and accreditation for identity management professionals around the world.”
A Brief History of IDPro
Glazer’s speech Professionalization of the Identity Industry, delivered at the 2016 European Identity Conference, was the catalyst for conversations that led to the founding of IDPro. In response to the speech, the Kantara Initiative established a pledge campaign to gauge industry interest in a digital identity management professional association. Over 400 professionals pledged support in just under 90 days. After a one-year incubation period with Kantara, IDPro has launched as an independent association. Identity and Access Management Industry leaders including Gigya, Ping Identity, SailPoint and Salesforce are among IDPro’s founding organizational members. IDPro has also entered into a mutual collaboration agreement for content, community and training at Identiverse, the renamed Cloud Identity Summit (CIS), an annual conference for identity professionals.
“Identity is now at the core of every major strategic business initiative — from moving to the cloud to empowering the globally distributed workforce,” said Andre Durant, Identiverse host and Ping Identity CEO and founder. “To support this massive shift within the enterprise, Ping Identity is committed to sponsoring initiatives — like IDPro and Identiverse — that bring together the brightest minds across the identity and security industry.”
Joining IDPro and Professional Industry Accreditation
Individual and organizational membership opportunities are offered by IDPro to identity professionals and sponsoring organizations. Three levels of participation are available for organizations, including Affiliate, Advocate and Champion. Over time, accreditation criteria for practicing digital identity management professionals will be set by the IDPro Governance Board and reviewed annually. For more IDPro information clickhere or info@idpro.org.
Additional Industry Support For IDPro
“Gigya is excited to become a founder member of IDPro. As a leading Consumer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) provider, Gigya is committed to the establishment and cultivation of an identity professionals community. We share IDPro’s notion that identity practitioners have been without a professional organization for too long. We are happy to support the effort to help identity professionals define, improve and learn more about their trade. This effort will also allow identity professionals to be united in voicing their opinion on identity-related issues globally and to work towards their common interests.”
-Eyal Magen, Chief Strategy Officer, Gigya
“SailPoint is proud to be a founding member of IDPro. Building a professional community in this important area of specialization is a significant step in the right direction. Identity and access management is now at the center of enterprise security, so building a professional body for it is a key next step.”
-Darran Rolls, chief technology and chief information security officer, SailPoint
“We are excited to work with IDPro to continue strengthening digital identity across the globe. The concept of building an organization of digital identity practitioners is long overdue – like the security, privacy and business disciplines, identity professionals need to come together and set the agenda for digital transformation. SecureKey is a pioneer for consumer digital identity and we’re excited to help organizations formalize the importance of identity in a modern digital economy.”
-Andre Boysen, Chief Identity Officer, SecureKey Technologies
Additional Information
- Learn more about IDPro
- Join IDPro Identity Management Association
- Email info@idpro.org for more corporate memberships, news and information
Contact Information
Bob Olson, Virtual, Inc.